Olorika is one of the most arable lands in Loitoktok Sub County. Located roughly 17 Kilometres from Kimana Business Centre is a 13 members group of Maasai men and women that engage in livestock rearing to earn income. Tabolu Enkong’u Tadua Ewang’an Ang (TETEA) uses its influence in the community to advocate for social amenities in the area. The group works with community members to ensure smooth running of the Olorika Primary School and the one dispensary in the area. With the help of Matonyok, TETEA has managed to get support for the construction of a borehole that will benefit the primary school and the rest of the community. Olorika is located along the Nolturesh River bank and the group joins with other communities stretched out along the river to advocate for the release of the water into the river for domestic use.